Wednesday 25 October 2017

Nifty Number Lines

In maths we have been learning how to use a number line.

These are our top number line facts:
  • Number lines can begin and end at any number.
  • Number lines read from left to right.
  • It's important that all your numbers are evenly spaced.
  • Number lines can help us with our addition and subtraction.

Wonderful Warwick!

As part of our current topic I'm the King of the Castle, Year Two enjoyed a great day out at Warwick Castle.

Our behaviour was excellent and thankfully, no one was left in the stocks!

We explored lots of different parts of the castle and even got to see inside the secret escape door which would have been used by the Earl of Warwick to escape if the castle was attacked.

We had our lunch watching the Birds of Prey. Some of them were huge!

In the afternoon we visited the Horrible Histories maze. We completed our Time Passports and didn't get lost...well not too much!

Tuesday 24 October 2017

The Norman Conquest

Year Two have been learning about the Norman Conquest and Battle of Hastings.

We looked at sections of the Bayeux Tapestry to find out about William's journey to England.

We made our own Norman ships and practised sailing them in the water tray.

Fast Fact...
Did you know that William sailed to England in a boat called Mora? It was bought for him by his wife Matilda.

Autumn Term Communication Letter

Year 2 Communication Letter - Autumn 2017

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the start of a new year. We hope you had an enjoyable and relaxing summer. This letter is intended to give you an overview of the term ahead and we hope that you will find this information useful.

This term our topic is I’m the King of the Castle. As part of this topic children will be learning about significant people and events in British history, including William the Conqueror and The Battle of Hastings. We will learn about different castles and their features and will explore the physical geography around some famous castles.

For your information a brief outline of coverage across the whole curriculum for this term is included below:

In addition to regular practice of handwriting, spelling and grammar we will be focusing on the following text types
  • Poetry with patterned and repeated language
  • Narrative – The story of William the Conqueror
  • Instructions – recipes
  • Information texts – facts about castles
In addition to regular practice of number bonds, problem solving and calculation we will be focusing specifically on the following areas:
  • Securing number facts
  • Counting, partitioning and calculating
  • Understanding Shape
  • Handling data and measures
This term in RE we will be learning what it means to be Muslim. We will also spend some time considering the importance of Harvest in advance of the Harvest festival in October.
In PSHCE we will be exploring:
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Our likes and dislike
  • What makes a good learner  
Our outdoor PE will be on a Monday afternoon and our indoor PE session will be on Friday afternoon.
Children should have a PE kit in school every day.
Art and Design
In art and design the children will be exploring a range of techniques, including collage, watercolour and observational drawing.
In ICT we will be learning how to capture and edit digital images.

We have an exciting term ahead of us. The children have already made a fantastic start to the year and are very enthusiastic about the topic.


As part of their home-learning children should be reading at home for at least 10-15 minutes per day. All children have been given a colour-coded reading book, these do not need to be changed daily but when children are ready. In addition to developing their ability to decode and read unfamiliar words children should also be encouraged to discuss their reading in order to develop their comprehension.


A copy of this term’s Half Termly Spelling list is included with this letter. Children completed a baseline test at the beginning of term and their score is also attached. The children will be re-tested on these words at the end of the half term. In addition to their half termly list, children will also continue to bring home a list of 6 words to be learnt weekly. These will be sent home every Monday and children will be tested on these words the following Monday. These words will help children to learn the spelling pattern, rule or sound that is the focus of our daily phonics and spelling lessons.

Communication books

Communication books should be brought into school each day and will be checked and signed. Please continue to use these books to record your child’s reading and to send any important messages to and from school.

Maths Homework

We are no longer sending home maths games in Key Stage One. Instead, children will be given a list of maths facts to learn on a weekly basis. This will help them to secure their basic number facts and will support all areas of mathematical learning. The format will be very similar to that of the spelling test. A list of facts will be sent home each Thursday and children will be tested the following Thursday.

PE kit

We will be outside as much as possible on a Monday PE session. As the weather starts to turn cooler, please add jogging bottoms, a jumper and spare socks to your child’s PE kit. Jogging bottoms and sweatshirts should be either black or red to match the school uniform. Children who wish to may wear trainers for PE.

Harvest festival

This year, Year Two will lead the Harvest service on church. The service will take place in the church at 9.15 on Wednesday 11th October. We hope to see many of you there.

We will keep you informed throughout the term with letters like this but in the meantime if you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to come and speak to us.

Kind Regards,

Mrs Thomas and Mrs Rowe